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No email or info needed. These reports are written for our clients by me. Feel free to download any you want.

What is up with this?
I have Commerce Degree with a major in economics from the University of Calgary, 1992, and a Masters in Business Administration from the Herriot-Watt School of Business, University of Edinburgh, in 2003. It is always listed as one of the top-10 MBA’s in the world by the Economist Magazine.

I never used to tell anyone about my background until a client mentioned that clients should specifically look for a broker that follows the economy like I do. There are only 4 mortgage brokers in Canada originating mortgages that have MBA’s.

I write these reports because the news and media do not provide a clear picture of the home buying market. They often have headlines that say “Home prices plummet” and then on page 35 have 20 words that home prices are down 0.1% from last year. It sells papers but does not provide a clear picture of what is really happening out there.

Economic Data

Standard Documents for 1st Time Buyers

Mortgage Documents

Our Press

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