Calgary housing market smashes records in May

The people that buy high end homes are often “job creators” and able to see what is happening in their business. They can see that things are going well now and are looking better in the future. All great for our continued economic prosperity in Calgary.

Prices and luxury home sales reach new lofty levels

CALGARY — Calgary’s resale housing market set a number of records in May.

According to preliminary, unofficial data on the Calgary Real Estate Board’s website, new levels were reached during the month for median and average MLS sale prices in the single-family market as well as for total residential sales in the city. Read More

Canada: #1 housing, 3rd Overall in Quality of Life!

Canadians best-off in housing, 3rd overall in new OECD “Quality Of Life” survey!

How typically Canadian, we do really well in the survey of best Quality of Life then say … well we’re 3rd so, you know, that’s just fine, sort of … at least we are pounding our mortgages out in 1/3 less time than we thought we needed. Maybe it is time for the government to let the tourniquet off of the mortgage rules for a bit so we can buy our homes again.  Read More

Calgary Home Prices on the Rise.

Calgary region new home prices on the rise

Top contributor in March to national advance

CALGARY — The Calgary region was the top contributor in March to the increase in new home prices across the country, says Statistics Canada.

The federal agency reported Thursday that the New Housing Price Index for the Calgary census metropolitan area rose by 0.3 per cent in March from February. It was up 0.1 per cent nationally. Read More

Calgary home price growth best in Canada at 7.72%

This is great news! Mostly the home prices are supported by the strong in-migration.


Typical price jumps 7.72% from last year

CALGARY — Home prices in Calgary grew at the fastest year-over-year pace in Canada in March, according to a report released Monday by the Canadian Real Estate Association.

The association, in its MLS Home Price Index, said Calgary’s resale market saw growth of 7.72 per cent in its benchmark price. Read More

Spring Real Estate Market Underway in Edmonton

This is a GREAT article on how to look at things. Edmonton, just like Calgary, is seeing lots of in-migration which is also supporting their home prices.

Spring Real Estate Market Underway in Edmonton

Low inventory is causing rapid growth in the average price of real estate in Edmonton. The interesting thing is that the inventory is low because there are fewer new listings than we typically see at this time of year, not because of increased sales. Read More

Tight market drives home prices higher

the reason for the tight market is the continuing in-migration of Canadians moving for high quality jobs. Where else would they go. IF the pipelines get approved it will only get tighter.

Tight market drives home prices higher

Real estate board reports average Calgary house sold for $518,400

CALGARY — A tighter market for resale homes led to faster sales as prices set new all-time highs in March, according to the Calgary Real Estate Board.

In Calgary, average housing unit prices including condos and townhouses were up nine per cent to $460,800 from $422,400 in March 2012. That’s more expensive than the record $457,100 in February, which upset the previous high mark of $452,600 set in July 2007. Read More