Mortgage renewal: Now switch lenders without re-taking the stress test

​​​Great news as a few leading banks, soon to be followed by the rest of the pack, have DITCHED THE STRESS TEST for RENEWALS.

This means if you have extra debts or a debt level higher than when you got your mortgage, some banks can now overlook that and still get you the best rates.

there is now an option if you were concerned about renewing due to higher debt loads or if your financial situatoin has changed since you bought your home.

Technically, this means most conventional switch (more than 20% down payment) customers no longer need to prove they can afford a payment based on the minimum qualifying rate (MQR). That rate is at least 2% higher (or 200 bps where 100 bps = 1.oo%) than actual rates.

This news is just out today for BOTH High ratio/ insured (meaning you bought with less than 20% down payment) AND Conventional (meaning 20% or more down payment)

Note, however, that property values for insurable borrowers must be under $1 million unless grandfathered.

To find out more please call (best) 403-681-4376 or email to reach out for more data.

This is a BIG DEAL. For renewals we always had to do the math to ensure you could change banks and many with higher debts than they bought with were not able to change banks. The banks knew this and offered them renewal rates that were way to high, but the home owners had no option. Now you do!

20 year mortgage expert, Mortgage Mark Herman


Canada’s New Capital Gains Tax Rules and Mortgages

Next pressing issue after 25% tariffs is the Canadian Federal Government’s decision to delay the implementation of its new capital gains tax rules until 2026.

In the 2024 budget Ottawa was set to increase the capital gains inclusion rate – the portion of gains that is taxable – from 50% to 66.7% for individuals earning over $250,000 in annual capital gains, as well as for corporations and most types of trusts.

  • That plan has now been pushed back to January 1, 2026. 
  • For average Canadians this would mainly affect those selling a second residence, such as a cottage.
  • The delay could see some properties come onto the market with owners hoping to take advantage of the tax saving.


The government caused panic-selling of Cottage Country Cabins in Ontario, and has now paused the capital gains tax.

We hope this pause will allow a normal sales cycle to take place.

Mortgage Mark Herman, Calgary Alberta mortgage broker near me

Bank of Canada lowers benchmark interest rate to 3%

The Bank of Canada opened its monetary policy playbook for 2025 with a 0.25% reduction in its overnight rate. The 6th since June of last year.

In issuing its January Monetary Policy Report, the Bank also noted that its projections are subject to “more-than-usual uncertainty” because of the rapidly evolving policy landscape, particularly the threat of trade tariffs by the new administration in the United States.

Variable rates win, but can you handle some possibly sleepless nights if Trump’s tariffs increase fixed rates as much as 3%?

(Click to see the link to the report showing this.)

If Canada does a full retaliation to Trump’s 25% tariffs our Canadian interest rates could go up by 3%; and if there is no retaliation at all, Canadian interest rates could go down by up to 3% as well!

Mortgage Mark Herman, 20+ years of mortgage experience with an MBA from a top school & Top Calgary Alberta Mortgage Broker


Below, we summarize the Bank’s commentary.

Canadian economic performance and housing

  • Past interest rate reductions have started to boost the Canadian economy
  • Recent strengthening in both consumption and housing activity is expected to continue
  • Business investment, however, remains weak
  • The outlook for exports is supported by new export capacity for oil and gas

Canadian inflation and outlook

  • Inflation measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) remains close to 2%, with some volatility due to the temporary suspension of the GST/HST on some consumer products
  • Shelter price inflation is still elevated but it is easing gradually, as expected
  • A broad range of indicators, including surveys of inflation expectations and the distribution of price changes among components of the CPI, suggest that underlying inflation is close to 2%
  • The Bank forecasts CPI inflation will be around the 2% target over the next two years

Canadian labour market

  • Canada’s labour market remains soft, with the unemployment rate at 6.7% in December
  • Job growth, however, has strengthened in recent months, after lagging growth in the labour force for more than a year
  • Wage pressures, which have proven sticky, are showing some signs of easing

Global economic performance, bond yields and the Canadian dollar

  • The global economy is expected to continue growing by about 3% over the next two years
  • Growth in the United States has been revised upward, mainly due to stronger consumption
  • Growth in the euro area is likely to be subdued as the region copes with competitiveness pressures
  • In China, recent policy actions are boosting demand and supporting near-term growth, although structural challenges remain
  • Since October, financial conditions have diverged across countries with bond yields rising in the US, supported by strong growth and more persistent inflation, and bond yields in Canada down slightly
  • The Canadian dollar has depreciated materially against the US dollar, largely reflecting trade uncertainty and broader strength in the US currency
  • Oil prices have been volatile and in recent weeks have been about $5 higher than was assumed in the Bank’s October Monetary Policy Report

Other comments

The Bank also announced its plan to complete the normalization of its balance sheet, which puts an end to quantitative tightening. The Bank said it will restart asset purchases in early March 2025, beginning gradually so that its balance sheet stabilizes and then grows modestly, in line with growth in the economy.

It also offered further rationale for today’s decisions by saying that with inflation around 2% and the economy in excess supply, the Bank’s Governing Council decided to reduce its policy rate. It also noted that cumulative reduction in the policy rate since last June is “substantial.” Lower interest rates are boosting household spending and, in the outlook it published (see below), the economy is expected to strengthen gradually and inflation to stay close to target.


In today’s announcement, the Bank laid out its forecast for Canadian GDP growth to strengthen in 2025. However, it was quick to also point out that with slower population growth because of reduced immigration targets, both GDP and potential growth will be “more moderate” than what the Bank previously forecast in October 2024.

To put numbers on that forecast, the Bank now projects GDP will grow by 1.8% in both 2025 and 2026.  As a result, excess supply in the Canadian economy is expected to be “gradually absorbed” over the Bank’s projection horizon.

Setting aside threatened US tariffs, the Bank reasons that the upside and downside risks in its outlook are “reasonably balanced.” However, it also acknowledged that a protracted trade conflict would most likely lead to weaker GDP and higher prices in Canada and test the resilience of Canada’s economy.

The Bank ended its statement with its usual refrain: it is committed to maintaining price stability for Canadians.

2025 will bring more BoC news

The Bank is scheduled to make its second policy interest rate decision of 2025 on March 12th. I will provide an executive summary immediately following that announcement.

New Canadian Mortgage Rules; Sept 2024

Great news from Ottawa today on the new rules for Canadian mortgages:

  1. An Increase to the Insured Mortgage Price Cap: The government will raise the price cap from $1 million to $1.5 million, reflecting the realities of today’s housing market. This change, effective December 15, 2024, will help more Canadians qualify for insured mortgages and make homeownership more attainable, especially for younger Canadians.
  2. Expanded Eligibility for 30-Year Amortizations: First-time homebuyers and all buyers of new builds will now be eligible for 30-year insured mortgage amortizations. This is a crucial step in reducing monthly mortgage payments and helping more Canadians, particularly Millennials and Gen Z, achieve the dream of owning a home.
  3. Increased Mortgage Competition: The strengthened Canadian Mortgage Charter now enables insured mortgage holders to switch lenders at renewal without being subject to another stress test. This will foster greater competition and ensure Canadians have access to the best mortgage deals.

All 3 of these changes will help New Buyers / 1st Time Buyers afford to get into a home of their own.

Most of our First Time Buyers need gifts or co-signing from parents to be able to buy. The 30 year amortization and increase of CMHC insurance will totally help.

Mortgage Mark Herman, Best top Calgary Alberta mortgage broker specializing in 1st time buyers for 20 years.

Prime to be 2% LOWER in 15 months, Dates of drops, Variable rate wins: Fall 2024

Yes, with the writing on the wall for the coming Prime rate decreases the Variable rate is the way to go.

Variable rates are based on Consumer Prime, which moves the exact same as the Bank of Canada’s “overnight rate.”  The decreases in the overnight rate will be the same for Consumer Prime and they are below.

So Sept 4, 2024, Prime will go from 6.7% to 6.45%

Canadian Consumer Prime – what Variable Rates are based on – will be these rates here.

If your “discount is Prime – 0.95%” then your rate would be this number below – 0.95%. And as you can see, this is way better than the 3-year fixed at  4.84% or the 5- year fixed at 4.69% today.

  • September 4, 2024: 6.45%
  • October 23, 2024: 6.20%
  • December 11, 2024: 5.95%
  • January 2025: 5.70%
  • March 2025: 5.45%
  • April 2025: 5.20%
  • June 2025: 4.95%
  • September 2025: 4.70%
  • October 2025: 4.45%
  • December 2025: 4.20%

Article is here: Bank of Canada’s policy interest rate could dip to 2.75% by late 2025:


Predictions of the article for the rate drops: Credit 1’s Bank of Canada policy interest rate forecast, as updated on August 26, 2024:

    • September 4, 2024: 4.25%
    • October 23, 2024: 4.0%
    • December 11, 2024: 3.75%
    • January 2025: 3.5%
    • March 2025: 3.5%
    • April 2025: 3.25%
    • June 2025: 3.25%
    • September 2025: 3.0%
    • October 2025: 2.75%
    • December 2025: 2.75%

Current Risks to the Canadian Mortgage Market? May 15th, 2024


May 21, 2024 is when the inflation a report comes out and it should be the determining factor if the Canadian PRIME RATE of INTEREST is reduced from 7.2% in June or not. Maybe July. Maybe later.

Nobody is buying anything big right now, which is the idea … to reduce inflation.

Which means now is the best time to buy a home before everyone waiting for rates to drop jumps in on the 1st Prime rate reduction.

Says Mortgage Mark Herman, Calgary Alberta best/ top/ mortgage broker for first time home buyers


Mortgage holders have been anxiously waiting for the Bank of Canada to cut interest rates. The increase of 90,400 jobs in April – 5 times what analysts expected – has heightened concerns that the Bank will continue to wait before lowering rates. 🙁

While the economy has not slowed as much as expected, there’s growing economic slack, with the jobless rate up 1 percentage point over the past year and a 24% year-over-year increase in the number of unemployed individuals, which is slowing down wage growth. The crucial factor in determining whether a rate cut will occur in June or be postponed to later this year hinges on the April CPI release scheduled for May 21st.

In the background of these deliberations, the Bank of Canada also assesses various potential risks to the economy. Last week, the Bank released its Financial Stability Report, highlighting two key risks: debt serviceability and asset valuations.

The report notes that the share of mortgage holders who are behind on their credit cards and auto loan payments, which had hit historic lows during the pandemic, has now returned to more normal levels. It also notes that smaller mortgage lenders are seeing an uptick in credit arrears. This increase isn’t surprising, given the run up in rates and the market segment that these lenders cater to. While the arrears rate is up, it remains relatively low compared to historical levels.

This overall positive portfolio performance is due to two key factors: 1) financial flexibility and 2) employment.

Canadian mortgage defaults tend to spike up during periods of rising unemployment. While the unemployment rate has risen, it remains relatively low. Additionally, mortgagors are holding higher levels of liquid assets. Before the pandemic, homeowners with a mortgage held 1.2 months of liquid reserves, which increased to 2.2 months during the pandemic and has since fallen to 1.8 months. These increased reserves provide a solid buffer for mortgagors to meet unexpected increases in expenses.

The Bank remains concerned that nearly half of all outstanding mortgages have yet to be renewed, leaving these borrowers at risk of payment shock due to the increase in interest rates. Scotiabank is an interesting case because, unlike other banks, it offers adjustable-rate mortgages (ARM) with variable payments instead of variable rate mortgages with fixed payments. Scotia has seen its 90+ days past due rate increase from 0.09% to 0.16%. During their fourth-quarter earnings call, Scotia noted that ARM borrowers have been cutting back on discretionary spending by 11% year-over-year, compared to a 5% reduction among fixed-rate clients.

The mortgage maturity profile in the Financial Stability Report suggests that we could see significant slowing in consumer discretionary spending over the next two years. While the rise in debt-servicing costs will be partially offset by income growth, we should expect to see belt tightening by mortgage holders. This poses less of a risk to the banking sector mortgage market than to the overall outlook for the economy.



Divorce & Mortgage Buy-Out Details, Canada, May 2024

Important data for separating / divorcing  partners, this may help with “Buying the ex-spouse out” of a divorce, when some debts need to be rolled in.


The way most lawyers and Big-6 banks do it:

as a refinance, max loan is 80% of the appraised value of the home,

and you get refi rates – the highest – today:

  • 3 year fixed 5.76%, 5 year fixed 5.59%

and usually NO debts can be rolled into the mortgage past that 80% of the home value.


with OUR WAY/ Broker way…

we do it as “a purchase after marital breakdown” which allows

max loan of 95% LTV (of the home value) – which usually makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE in a buyout situation.

  • BEST RATES again: 3 year fixed 5.39%, 5 year fixed 4.99%

and usually Most/ All/ some debts can be rolled into the mortgage – at no extra cost, depending on your lending ratios.



Data from a similar file –

As long as the deal IS insurable (meaning it conforms to CMHC rules and guidelines) to get that lower rate – actually 0.6% LOWER as of today – then we need an offer to purchase too. Most lawyers do not want also write an “offer to purchase,”

If the Big-6 bank is doing it as a conventional refinance then an offer to purchase is not needed.

Banks don’t have substantially different rates for insurable and conventional like we do. (o.4 to o.9% rate difference makes a huge difference.)


So yes, we can get a separation done without an Offer to Purchase as long as at least 20% of the value stays in the home and we use refinance rates at 0.6% higher than broker best rates today.

Considering customers will leave us for 0.05% and this is 0.6% – that is >10x multiple of what customers consider “worth leaving us for” this is an important way to get divorce deals to work better for everyone.

Mortgage Mark Herman, top/ best Calgary Alberta Mortgage Broker

Bank of Canada Leaves Prime the Same, April 2024

As Expected, No change in Bank of Canada benchmark interest rate for April 2024.

As noted in August 2023, the 1st Prime Rate reduction is expected in July and then Prime should come down at o.25% every 90 days so … 1 quarter percent reduction, every calandar quarter, for the next 2 years.

Mortgage Mark Herman, best top Calgary Alberta mortgage broker.

Today, the Bank of Canada announced it is keeping its benchmark interest rate at 5.0%, unchanged from July of 2023. However, much has changed in the economy and in the world since then. For evidence, we parsed today’s announcement and present a summary of the Bank’s key observations below.

Canadian Inflation

  • CPI inflation slowed to 2.8% in February, with easing in price pressures becoming more broad-based across goods and services. However, shelter price inflation is still very elevated, driven by growth in rent and mortgage interest costs
  • Core measures of inflation, which had been running around 3.5%, slowed to just over 3% in February, and 3-month annualized rates are suggesting downward momentum
  • The Bank expects CPI inflation to be close to 3% during the first half of 2024, move below 2.5% in the second half, and reach the 2% inflation target in 2025

Canadian Economic Performance and Housing

  • Economic growth stalled in the second half of last year and the economy moved into excess supply
  • A broad range of indicators suggest that labour market conditions continue to ease. Employment has been growing more slowly than the working-age population and the unemployment rate has risen gradually, reaching 6.1% in March. There are some recent signs that wage pressures are moderating
  • Economic growth is forecast to pick up in 2024. This largely reflects both strong population growth and a recovery in spending by households
  • Residential investment is strengthening, responding to continued robust demand for housing
  • The contribution to growth from spending by governments has also increased. Business investment is projected to recover gradually after considerable weakness in the second half of last year. The Bank expects exports to continue to grow solidly through 2024
  • Overall, the Bank forecasts GDP growth of 1.5% in 2024, 2.2% in 2025, and 1.9% in 2026. The strengthening economy will gradually absorb excess supply through 2025 and into 2026

Global Economic Performance and Bond Yields

  • The Bank expects the global economy to continue growing at a rate of about 3%, with inflation in most advanced economies easing gradually
  • The US economy has “again proven stronger than anticipated, buoyed by resilient consumption and robust business and government spending.” US GDP growth is expected to slow in the second half of this year, but remain stronger than forecast in January
  • The euro area is projected to gradually recover from current weak growth. Global oil prices have moved up, averaging about $5 higher than the Bank assumed in its January Monetary Policy Report
  • Since January, bond yields have increased but, with narrower corporate credit spreads and sharply higher equity markets, overall financial conditions have eased
  • The Bank has revised up its forecast for global GDP growth to 2.75% in 2024 and about 3% in 2025 and 2026
  • Inflation continues to slow across most advanced economies, although progress will likely be bumpy. Inflation rates are projected to reach central bank targets in 2025


Based on the outlook, Governing Council said it decided to hold the Bank’s policy rate at 5% and to continue to “normalize” the Bank’s balance sheet. It also noted that while inflation is still too high and risks remain, CPI and core inflation have eased further in recent months.

The Council said it will be looking for evidence that this downward momentum is sustained. Governing Council is particularly watching the “evolution of core inflation,” and continues to focus on the balance between demand and supply in the economy, inflation expectations, wage growth, and corporate pricing behaviour.

As it has said consistently over the past year, the Bank will remain “resolute in its commitment to restoring price stability for Canadians.”

Next Touchpoint

On June 5th, 2024, the Bank returns with another monetary policy announcement and economists are already lining up with predictions of a rate cut either then or in July.

Net Migration to Alberta – #’s here.

the CORE reason home prices in Calgary will be going up for the next 4 years, and are 100% supported and will not be coming down is summed up in this article right here.

Summary of the Main Reasons Home Prices are Supported:

  1. BC and Ontario home prices are DOUBLE Calgary home prices
  2. 4 million New Canadians on the way here in the next 5 years.
  3. We hatched the largest 20 – 29 year old population Canada has EVER had, and they are moving out of their parent’s basements and buying their own homes.
  4. Alberta does NOT have PST
  5. Alberta does not have a 1% “welcome to the neighborhood tax” when buying property.

After researching the above data points we can confidently say all 5 of these stacked factors will cause home prices to increase is all price ranges for the next few years.

Mortgage Mark Herman, licensed as a top Alberta Mortgage Broker for 21 years and 1 year in BC

Why to Buy Your Home Now; Vancouver Island, Winter, 2024


We expect to see multiple & competing offers, with NO Financing Conditions for all home types, priced from $400k to $1.1M, starting now, and growing to “full-scale crazy- town” by May.

Use this time before May 2024 to take advantage of slight & short term softening of the market before:

  • News of lower mortgage interest rates ignites a powder keg of sidelined, eager, competitive buyers.
  • Prices continue to climb due to continued competition from 4 million New Canadian immigrants for the few homes on the market; for the next 4 years!
  • Housing will remain in super-tight supply with inventory pre-sold before it gets to market.

Shameless Advertisement … then the data

Your #1 concern should be: how does my offer win among 5, 10 or 20 others?
Will you have the confidence in your broker or bank to write a No Condition or Lo Condition Offer?


    • with 100% pre-underwritten approvals and
    • 9am to 11 pm live phone support – with me & your realtor – when writing your offer to ensure it works.

To take your 1st step to a FULLY Pre-Undewritten, Pre-Approval; that could go NO Conditions, if needed – click here.


1. Mortgage Rates
Have Decreased Already
– but on the down low.
Without media attention, About 20 tiny reductions have already happened for FIXED RATES.

  • Fixed rates have been slowly and quietly decreasing from Post-COVID 20 year highs; they were ~7% and are now ~5%
  • Most people are only aware of the 10x Prime rate increases in a row post-COVID in 2023/23
    • Prime has held steady at 7.2% since then,
    • 1st Prime reduction expected in July and it has already been “100% priced-in” by the stock market.
    • Inflation and the Consumer Price Index came in at 2.9% and is now back inside the target range of 1.0% to 3.0%.

Why the Rush?
1A. Joe Public is now correctly thinking;

  • the slight extra interest cost of buying now with marginally higher mortgage rates and some actual inventory selection to choose from; far, far, far out weighs …
    • the small increase in buying power from lower rates that is sure to come with
    • massive price increases when buying in the frenzy starts after the BoC rate cuts hit the news.

1B. 50% of “Exhausted Buyers” plan to re-enter the market when rates drop
A recent survey, half (51%) of those who put their home purchase plans on hold, now say they will re-enter the market when they hear that rates have dropped.

  • A rate decline of just o.25% would be enough to bring 10% of those Exhausted Buyers back,
  • A rate decline of 1.00% would bring back 23% of those sidelined.
    • the Prime rate (for variable rates) is expected to go down 2%, and fixed rates could easily sneak down another 1.5% yet too.)

In a decreasing rate environment, if the rates goes down AFTER you sign, you still AUTOMATICALLY get the lower rate right up until 5 business days before you move in.


  • The Variable lets you take advantage the rates going down over the next 28 months, right now. It goes you an option to not take a fixed rate at near 10-year highs.

2. Home Pricing
Home prices on Vancouver Island are FULLY SUPPORTED, and will NOT be dropping at all, due to continuous demand from record setting immigration for the next 5 years.

  • Remember in 2022, during COVID when “buyers were acting irrationally” and then home prices went up $500k over 1 year?
  • That is about to happen again!

Consider this is the reason why Vancouver Island is in such demand …

  • Every day, somewhere in Canada, say about 100 people retire and “sell all their things” and plan to move West, to the Island, and retire in Canada’s only temperate rain-forest. The #1 location choice for retirees.
  • Right now the high interest rates are slowing the asset sales for these retirees to “move their high value assets” and move West including: primary and rental homes, cabins, businesses, vehicles and boats.
  • When interest rates come down, buyers will better afford loans on these assets, and the above items will sell. The “tidal wave” of backlog retirees will all “move West to the Island” for the weather and retirement in a rush.
    • With plentiful CASH reserves to haphazardly throw down on their last home purchase, completing their dream; and frustrating yours.

Prices are expected to further INCREASE for the next 5 years due to these data points below:

3. Current homes prices well below national average:
For 2023: Calgary; up 4%, Halifax; up 3%, Victoria; up 1%

  • All other cities in Canada are down 18% to 21%‘; which really means Victoria is really up about 22-ish%.
  • [data point here]

4. Peek New-to-Canada Immigration
Overall Canada’s population growth is 3.1% – 6x higher than the USA at o.5%.

  • 1.2 million new Canadians arrived in 2022 – highest growth of all the G20.
  • 4 million new Canadians are on the way before 2027; where will they live?
4A. Young Adult Population Growth Breaks RecordsPopulation growth of people 20 to 29 years old — an age when most young people leave home and get their own place — has shot up 6.2% in 2023.

  • That’s 2x Canada’s already hefty overall population increase, which also broke records.
  • “We have never seen the young adult population growing anywhere nearly this fast before,” an analyst wrote. “Putting additional pressure on rents now, and in the medium term, it will put pressure on home prices.”
  • See the red-blue graph below

5. Renting in the Wild West
37% of Canadian households are renters.

  • New renters are on the scene from an unprecedented rise in working age population – up 874,000 in 2023
  • Rent inflation was 8.2% in October 2023 – highest in over 40 years.
    • The difference between rent inflation and “standard inflation” is the highest in 60+ years.
6. Surging Construction Costs Impede New Home Supply
Costs to build a home are up 51% since 2020.
  • High costs for all inputs, scarcity of skilled construction workers, higher mortgage interest rates for builder’s financing, supply-chain bottlenecks from COVID. (See the graphics below.)
  • Forest fires from 2020 to 2023 have reduced the supply of lumber.
  • 100,000 new construction workers are needed in Canada.
    • Most will be “temporary foreign workers” also hoping to become citizens and buy the same home supply they are producing.
    • Construction wages were up 11.5% in 2023.

{Lots of fantastic graphs go here.

For a copy of the actual report in PDF, please request from me in email.}

What about COMPETING / Multiple Offers?

  • We do Lo/No CONDITION OFFERS with Pre-underwritten, Pre-approvals that actually work.
  • And I answer my phone from 9-9 x 360 so you can win your competing deals at the last second.
  • Banks don’t offer this service. We have been doing this since “the Rush of 2007” when home prices were going up $1000/ day. This will be similar.