Prime to be 2% LOWER in 15 months, Dates of drops, Variable rate wins: Fall 2024

Yes, with the writing on the wall for the coming Prime rate decreases the Variable rate is the way to go.

Variable rates are based on Consumer Prime, which moves the exact same as the Bank of Canada’s “overnight rate.”  The decreases in the overnight rate will be the same for Consumer Prime and they are below.

So Sept 4, 2024, Prime will go from 6.7% to 6.45%

Canadian Consumer Prime – what Variable Rates are based on – will be these rates here.

If your “discount is Prime – 0.95%” then your rate would be this number below – 0.95%. And as you can see, this is way better than the 3-year fixed at  4.84% or the 5- year fixed at 4.69% today.

  • September 4, 2024: 6.45%
  • October 23, 2024: 6.20%
  • December 11, 2024: 5.95%
  • January 2025: 5.70%
  • March 2025: 5.45%
  • April 2025: 5.20%
  • June 2025: 4.95%
  • September 2025: 4.70%
  • October 2025: 4.45%
  • December 2025: 4.20%

Article is here: Bank of Canada’s policy interest rate could dip to 2.75% by late 2025:


Predictions of the article for the rate drops: Credit 1’s Bank of Canada policy interest rate forecast, as updated on August 26, 2024:

    • September 4, 2024: 4.25%
    • October 23, 2024: 4.0%
    • December 11, 2024: 3.75%
    • January 2025: 3.5%
    • March 2025: 3.5%
    • April 2025: 3.25%
    • June 2025: 3.25%
    • September 2025: 3.0%
    • October 2025: 2.75%
    • December 2025: 2.75%

Bank of Canada Leaves Prime the Same, April 2024

As Expected, No change in Bank of Canada benchmark interest rate for April 2024.

As noted in August 2023, the 1st Prime Rate reduction is expected in July and then Prime should come down at o.25% every 90 days so … 1 quarter percent reduction, every calandar quarter, for the next 2 years.

Mortgage Mark Herman, best top Calgary Alberta mortgage broker.

Today, the Bank of Canada announced it is keeping its benchmark interest rate at 5.0%, unchanged from July of 2023. However, much has changed in the economy and in the world since then. For evidence, we parsed today’s announcement and present a summary of the Bank’s key observations below.

Canadian Inflation

  • CPI inflation slowed to 2.8% in February, with easing in price pressures becoming more broad-based across goods and services. However, shelter price inflation is still very elevated, driven by growth in rent and mortgage interest costs
  • Core measures of inflation, which had been running around 3.5%, slowed to just over 3% in February, and 3-month annualized rates are suggesting downward momentum
  • The Bank expects CPI inflation to be close to 3% during the first half of 2024, move below 2.5% in the second half, and reach the 2% inflation target in 2025

Canadian Economic Performance and Housing

  • Economic growth stalled in the second half of last year and the economy moved into excess supply
  • A broad range of indicators suggest that labour market conditions continue to ease. Employment has been growing more slowly than the working-age population and the unemployment rate has risen gradually, reaching 6.1% in March. There are some recent signs that wage pressures are moderating
  • Economic growth is forecast to pick up in 2024. This largely reflects both strong population growth and a recovery in spending by households
  • Residential investment is strengthening, responding to continued robust demand for housing
  • The contribution to growth from spending by governments has also increased. Business investment is projected to recover gradually after considerable weakness in the second half of last year. The Bank expects exports to continue to grow solidly through 2024
  • Overall, the Bank forecasts GDP growth of 1.5% in 2024, 2.2% in 2025, and 1.9% in 2026. The strengthening economy will gradually absorb excess supply through 2025 and into 2026

Global Economic Performance and Bond Yields

  • The Bank expects the global economy to continue growing at a rate of about 3%, with inflation in most advanced economies easing gradually
  • The US economy has “again proven stronger than anticipated, buoyed by resilient consumption and robust business and government spending.” US GDP growth is expected to slow in the second half of this year, but remain stronger than forecast in January
  • The euro area is projected to gradually recover from current weak growth. Global oil prices have moved up, averaging about $5 higher than the Bank assumed in its January Monetary Policy Report
  • Since January, bond yields have increased but, with narrower corporate credit spreads and sharply higher equity markets, overall financial conditions have eased
  • The Bank has revised up its forecast for global GDP growth to 2.75% in 2024 and about 3% in 2025 and 2026
  • Inflation continues to slow across most advanced economies, although progress will likely be bumpy. Inflation rates are projected to reach central bank targets in 2025


Based on the outlook, Governing Council said it decided to hold the Bank’s policy rate at 5% and to continue to “normalize” the Bank’s balance sheet. It also noted that while inflation is still too high and risks remain, CPI and core inflation have eased further in recent months.

The Council said it will be looking for evidence that this downward momentum is sustained. Governing Council is particularly watching the “evolution of core inflation,” and continues to focus on the balance between demand and supply in the economy, inflation expectations, wage growth, and corporate pricing behaviour.

As it has said consistently over the past year, the Bank will remain “resolute in its commitment to restoring price stability for Canadians.”

Next Touchpoint

On June 5th, 2024, the Bank returns with another monetary policy announcement and economists are already lining up with predictions of a rate cut either then or in July.

Net Migration to Alberta – #’s here.

the CORE reason home prices in Calgary will be going up for the next 4 years, and are 100% supported and will not be coming down is summed up in this article right here.

Summary of the Main Reasons Home Prices are Supported:

  1. BC and Ontario home prices are DOUBLE Calgary home prices
  2. 4 million New Canadians on the way here in the next 5 years.
  3. We hatched the largest 20 – 29 year old population Canada has EVER had, and they are moving out of their parent’s basements and buying their own homes.
  4. Alberta does NOT have PST
  5. Alberta does not have a 1% “welcome to the neighborhood tax” when buying property.

After researching the above data points we can confidently say all 5 of these stacked factors will cause home prices to increase is all price ranges for the next few years.

Mortgage Mark Herman, licensed as a top Alberta Mortgage Broker for 21 years and 1 year in BC

Using Business Income / Corporate Income to Qualify for a Mortgage in Canada, 2024

Are you self- employed and thinking about, or hopping to use your own business income or corporate income to help you qualify for a mortgage?

It is possible, but not very common, as it usually does not help as much as we hope it would.

Mortgage Mark Herman, best Calgary Alberta mortgage broker for self-employed buyers



Very few lenders (like 3 out of 40+) will consider using business income that is not on personal taxes.

  • When they will allow the business income added in, they only use between 40-60% of the net business income after dividends paid.
  • They wouldn’t allow the operating company to actually be on mortgage/title;
    • it would be in personal name or
    • Hold Co name (with full personal guarantee, for the full mortgage amount – with full recourse. Meaning they can/ do/ will sue you into bankruptcy if they need to foreclose.)

Docs Needed

They do need to review more data than usual if trying to use business financials. I addition to the regular documents needed (2 years of T1 Generals, and NOAs and T4’s if there is T4 income), add in these docs:

For the Business:

  • 2 years of professional accountant prepared financial statements
    • including a signed ‘Notice to Reader’ and
  • Need a compilation of all billing engagements for the fiscal periods


Catch – there are always a few:

If the property in question has a large shop – it is usually not allowed in determining the value so a higher mortgage amount is usually required.

They also have a hard time if there is any income to be derived from the property.


Acreage Details

Max land is limited to 4, 8, or 10 acres – depending on lender

  • Only the home, de/attached garage and 4 acres are used for valuation by lender.
  • NO value is attributed to: out-buildings, sheds, riding rings, stables, storage, nor fences
    • Many of which could be valued at 200k+, like fences and buildings.

The End of Prime Rate Increases, January, 2024, Canada

Horray, today The Bank of Canada didn’t just put rate hikes on the back burner today; it unplugged the stove!

The Bank is now “confident enough” that inflation is on the right track to not publicly dwell on rate hike risk any longer. That was today’s message from Senior Deputy Governor Carolyn Rogers after the BoC left its overnight rate at 5%.

Instead, the Bank says it’s now shifting its focus to “how long” the overnight rate needs to marinate “at the current level.”


No more increases to the Canadian Prime Rate of Interest – at 7.2% today, after 10 increases in 2023.

Back in August I said Prime should start to come down in June – still the best guess – and

will come down by o.25% every 3 months, so one-quarter-percent decrease every calendar / fiscal quarter (3 months)

for a total of 2% less than today so … Prime should end up at 5.2% in 30 months, which is June 2026.

Mortgage Mark Herman, top Calgary Alberta and BC mortgage broker


“We need to give these higher interest rates time to do their work,” Macklem said, offering no clues on how long he’ll let the rate hike stew simmer. The forward market thinks it’ll take another 4 – 6 months. Historically, rates have plateaued at peak levels for anywhere from a few months to 17 months. So far, it’s been only 6.

The Bank says that higher rates can’t be completely ruled out, but it’s very rare for the Bank of Canada to hike a bunch, pause 5+ months, hike more, pause 5+ months more, and then hike again.

Updated: Using Disability Income to Qualify for a Canadian Mortgage: 2024

NOTE: this post has been updated in August 2024.


YES, it is possible to use disability income to qualify for a pre-approval or a full mortgage approval.


We are ONLY able to use disability income AS A “TOP UP” WHEN YOU ARE BUYING WITH ANOTHER PERSON

  • who has standard/ T4 employment income OR qualifies as SELF-EMPLOYED
  • AND your file needs more income to “top-up” the qualification amount to get to your target mortgage amount.

Unfortunately, we are not able to use:

  • Disability income where it is more than 50% of the income needed to qualify for the mortgage.
  • AISH income – the lenders deem provincial supplements as to “risky” and only use “federal programs.”
  • If either of these are your situation, we recommend going to an ATB Branch, not online but a BRANCH.

Below are a few clarifications on the typical disability incomes that the banks can use.

  • Not all banks accept all types of disability income so we use a few different lenders to ensure we have all your bases covered.


Call or send me an email with your contact data so we can have a chat on the phone if you are needing to use a “TOP-UP” via disability income for your purchase.

  • I answer from 9-9 x 363, am in the office from 10 – 6:30 most days, best time to call is between 11 am – 3 pm.
  • No need to pre-book, just call!
  • (How different is that?)

Long-term & Short-term Disability Pension/Insurance

If the borrower has a non-taxable income, the Bank, CMHC and Sagen allow the income to be grossed-up.

  • Less than $30,000, this income may be increased by 25%
  • At least $30,000, this income may be increased by 35%

Long-term disability: 100% of long-term disability income can be used.

Provide one of the following:

  • Letter from the organization or from QPP confirming long-term or permanent disability. If the letter is outdated (over 120 days), current bank statements confirming the deposits are being made to the borrower’s account are also needed
  • T4A(P) confirming disability income.

Short-term disability: 100% of the employment income can be used for short-term disability.

Provide the following:

  • A letter from the employer confirming the borrower’s return date, position and salary with a verbal confirmation from the employer to ensure the date on the letter is correct. If the return date cannot be confirmed, the disability income can be used for qualifications.

Pension & Retirement Income/Life Annuity

Retirement pensions are fixed incomes, CPP (Canada Pension Plan), OAS (Old Age Security), GIS (Guaranteed Income Supplement), provincial pension plans and private/corporate pensions and must be Canadian pension and evident on Canadian tax return.

IF you are Splitting Retirement Income: In the case where the pension income is shared for tax purposes, the transferring spouse/common-law partner must be on file and only the amount that has not been transferred/split is admissible.

Provide the most recent two documents of the following depending on the source of the declared retirement income:

  • Most recent NOA supported by T1 General
  • RL-2 Slip
  • T4A, T4A(P)
  • Letter from the initiating party confirming the yearly pension amount
  • Letter from the organization confirming income and permanency of income
  • Copy of current bank statement showing the automatic deposit
  • Copy of current monthly cheque stub

For CPP, OAS, QPP and GIS, only one relevant document for each source is required from the list above.



Income from a RRIF is admissible if there is proof that the portfolio generates a sustainable income amount for the length of the term.

This is a tough one to nail down as the portfolio has to be sustainable and not “drained” over the term of the loan, as in, there will still be a substantial balance in 5 years, if the mortgage is a 5-year term.

Provide the following:

  • The most recent NOA supported by T1 General
  • Recent RRIF statement to show that the borrower has sufficient assets to support the indicated income for the length of the term

First Nations

This is a non-taxable income. The income can be grossed-up as follows:

  • Less than $30,000, this income may be increased by 25%
  • At least $30,000, this income may be increased by 35%

Provide the following:

  • Copy of the status card needed.

“We use disability income all the time in our practice to top-up mortgage amounts and have access to the banks and lenders that allow it’s use.

Mortgage Mark Herman, top Calgary Alberta and BC mortgage broker, for 21 years.

Underlying Economic data on BoC holding Prime rate the same, December 5, 2023

Bank of Canada holds its policy interest rate steady, updates its outlook

Against the backdrop of a decelerating economy and growing calls for less restrictive monetary policy, the Bank of Canada made its final scheduled interest rate decision of the year today.

That decision – to keep its overnight policy interest rate at 5.00% – was broadly expected. What was not entirely expected (or welcome) was the Bank’s statement that it is “still concerned” about risks to the outlook for inflation and “remains prepared to raise” its policy rate “further” if needed.

The Bank’s observations are captured in the summary below.

Since August, we have been saying the VARIABLE RATE mortgage is the way to go, and this proves we were right on the money.

Mortgage Mark Herman, top Calgary Alberta and Victoria BC mortgage broker


Inflation facts and housing market commentary

  • A slowdown in the Canadian economy is reducing inflationary pressures in a “broadening range” of goods and services prices
  • Combined with a drop in gasoline prices, this contributed to easing of CPI inflation to 3.1% in October
  • However, “shelter price inflation” picked up, reflecting faster growth in rent and other housing costs along with the continued contribution from elevated mortgage interest costs
  • In recent months, the Bank’s preferred measures of core inflation have been around 3.5-4%, with the October data coming in towards the lower end of this range
  • Wages are still rising by 4-5%

Canadian economic performance

  • Economic growth “stalled through the middle quarters of 2023 with real GDP contracting at a rate of 1.1% in the third quarter, following growth of 1.4% in the second quarter
  • Higher interest rates are clearly restraining spending: consumption growth in the last two quarters was close to zero, and business investment has been volatile but essentially flat over the past year
  • Exports and inventory adjustment “subtracted” from GDP growth in the third quarter, while government spending and new home construction provided a boost
  • The labour market continues to ease: job creation has been slower than labour force growth, job vacancies have declined further, and the unemployment rate has risen modestly
  • Overall, these data and indicators for the fourth quarter suggest the economy is “no longer in excess demand”

Global economic performance and outlook 

  • The global economy continues to slow and inflation has eased further
  • In the United States, growth has been stronger than expected, led by robust consumer spending, but is “likely to weaken in the months ahead” as past policy rate increases work their way through the economy
  • Growth in the euro area has weakened and, combined with lower energy prices, has reduced inflationary pressures
  • Oil prices are about $10-per-barrel lower than was assumed in the Bank’s October Monetary Policy Report
  • Financial conditions have also eased, with long-term interest rates “unwinding” some of the sharp increases seen earlier in the autumn. The US dollar has weakened against most currencies, including Canada’s

Summary and Outlook

Despite (or in the Bank’s view because of) further signs that monetary policy is moderating spending and relieving price pressures, it decided to hold its policy rate at 5% and to continue to normalize its balance sheet.

The Bank also noted that it remains “concerned” about risks to the outlook for inflation and remains prepared to raise its policy rate further if needed. The Bank’s Governing Council also indicated it wants to see further and sustained easing in core inflation, and continues to focus on the balance between demand and supply in the economy, inflation expectations, wage growth, and “corporate pricing behaviour.”

Once again, the Bank repeated its mantra that it “remains resolute in its commitment to restoring price stability for Canadians.” As a result, we will have to wait until next year for any sign of rate relief.

What’s next?

The Bank’s next interest rate announcement lands on January 24, 2024.

In the meantime, please feel free to call me and discuss financing options that will empower you in this economic cycle, and the ones ahead.

When Will Canadian Mortgage Rates Begin to Fall?

Last week, the Bank of Canada held its policy rate at 5%. The decision was expected given slowing in the economy and modest improvement to core inflation measures.

The Bank is likely at the end of its tightening cycle. How soon it eases rates – and how low will rates go in the near to medium term – is the question #1

ANSWER: The general view from market economists is that we could see some easing of the overnight rate by mid-2024.

Question #2: How low. how far will Prime come down?

ANSWER: Prime is expected to come down a total of 2%.

DETAILS of Prime Cuts

  • Prime is 7.2% now / November 2nd, 2023,
  • Prime is expected to get down to to 5.2% or a bit lower, like 4.75% – 5.25% range by the end 2025; which looks like this:
    • June/ July 2024, 1st Prime cuts = 6 months
    • Prime reduction by o.25% every quarter = 1% less / year for the next 2 years = 24 months
  • so these together = 30 months.

With Prime coming down, now is the time for you to take advantage of the Variable Rate reductions.

Variable Rates via brokers are at Prime – o.9%, while the Big-6 banks rates are Prime – o.15%.

YES, broker rates are 6x better than at the Big-6 lenders, o.9 – o.15 = o.75% better. It’s true!

Mortgage Mark Herman; Best Top Calgary Mortgage Broker for first time home buyers.

When might rates begin to fall?

The Bank’s latest Monetary Policy Report (MPR) also provides signals that we can monitor to gauge when rates could start declining.

When interest rates rise, one of the main ways monetary policy affects the economy is through reduced consumer spending on durable goods, like appliances, furniture and cars. Prices for durable goods, except for cars, have dropped from 5.4% to -0.4%, while prices for semi-durable goods, like food and clothing, have decreased from 4.3% to 2.1%. We’re still experiencing delays in delivering cars. As a result, manufacturers are concentrating on selling more expensive vehicles with higher margins and are offering fewer discounts from list prices.

Inflation in service prices, excluding shelter, has slowed from 5.1% to 1.5%. If bond rates begin to drop, we will see a gradual decline in mortgage costs. The challenge will be rental costs, which are soaring due to the very limited availability of rentals and the continuous influx of newcomers. Increasing housing supply is key to reducing rental prices. However, that is a problem that will take years to resolve given the significant shortage of housing.

Currently, the Bank is concerned about inflation expectations, corporate pricing behaviour, and wage growth. As noted in its Monetary Policy Report, “As excess demand eases, inflation is expected to slow. At the same time, inflation expectations should also fall, businesses’ pricing behaviour should normalize, and wage growth should moderate. So far, progress has occurred but somewhat more slowly than anticipated.”

The Bank will be careful to ensure that inflation expectations inconsistent with its 2% target are not embedded in corporate pricing and wage expectations. A slowing economy should help to lower those expectations.

The general view from market economists is that we could see some easing of the overnight rate by mid-2024.

NERD STUFF: Maintaining a restrictive rate policy

The Bank can maintain a restrictive policy even without increasing rates any further, simply by keeping rates at their current level. With the overnight rate at 5% and an inflation rate of 3.8%, the real policy rate is 1.2%. This rate is restrictive, since it is higher than the neutral real rate of interest, which the Bank estimates to be between 0 and 1%.

The neutral real rate of interest is the level of interest that neither stimulates nor restrains economic growth. In other words, it is the rate at which the economy is in balance, with stable prices and full employment. Therefore, when the real rate of interest is restrictive, we would expect GDP to slow.

In its recent Monetary Policy Report (MPR), the Bank is forecasting economic growth to average less than 1% over the next few quarters, while potential output growth is expected to average 2%, mainly due to population growth and increased labor productivity. This should lead to a negative output gap (low demand and a surplus of products) and lower inflation.

Canadian Economic Forecast – Nov- Mortgage related use

Bank of Canada holds its interest rate steady, publishes updated economic forecasts

On October 25th, the Bank of Canada announced that it would maintain its Canadian Prime Rate stays at 7.3% –  stating that there is “growing evidence” that past interest rate increases are dampening economic activity and relieving price pressures.

This decision provides some comfort to borrowers who have seen their mortgage costs rise steadily since March of 2022. As for real relief – in the form of rate cuts – the Bank demurred, noting that its preferred measures of core inflation show “little downward momentum.” Consequently, the Bank said it is holding this policy rate and continuing its current policy of quantitative tightening.

We capture the Bank’s observations and its latest economic forecasts in the summary below.

Inflation facts and outlook

  • In Canada, inflation measured by the Consumer Price Index (“CPI”) has been volatile in recent months: 2.8% in June, 4.0% in August, and 3.8% in September
  • Higher interest rates are moderating inflation in many goods that people buy on credit, and this is spreading to services
  • Food inflation is easing from very high rates; however, in addition to elevated mortgage interest costs, inflation in rent and other housing costs remains high
  • Near-term inflation expectations and corporate pricing behavior are normalizing only gradually, and wages are still growing around 4% to 5%
  • The Bank’s preferred measures of core inflation show little downward momentum

Canadian housing and economic performance

  • There is growing evidence that past interest rate increases are dampening economic activity and relieving price pressures
  • Consumption has been subdued, with softer demand for housing, durable goods and many services
  • Weaker demand and higher borrowing costs are weighing on business investment
  • A surge in Canada’s population is easing labour market pressures in some sectors while adding to housing demand and consumption
  • In the labour market, recent job gains have been below labour force growth and job vacancies have continued to ease; however, the labour market remains “on the tight side” and wage pressures persist
  • Overall, a range of indicators suggest that supply and demand in the economy are now “approaching balance”

Global economic performance and outlook

  • The global economy is slowing and growth is forecast to moderate further as past increases in policy interest rates and the recent surge in global bond yields weigh on demand
  • The Bank projects global GDP growth of 2.9% this year, 2.3% in 2024 and 2.6% in 2025. While this outlook is little changed from the Bank’s July Monetary Policy Report, the composition has shifted, with the US economy proving stronger and economic activity in China weaker than expected
  • Growth in the Euro area has “slowed further”
  • Inflation has been easing in most economies, as supply bottlenecks resolve and weaker demand relieves price pressures but underlying inflation is persisting, meaning central banks must “continue to be vigilant”
  • Oil prices are higher than the BoC assumed in July, and the war in Israel and Gaza is a new source of geopolitical uncertainty

Summary and Outlook

The BoC noted that after averaging 1% over the past year, economic growth is expected to remain “weak” for the next year before increasing in late 2024 and through 2025. Near-term weakness in growth reflects both the broadening impact of past increases in interest rates and slower foreign demand. The subsequent economic “pickup” will be driven by household spending as well as stronger exports and business investment in response to improving fore

ign demand. Spending by governments contributes materially to growth over the forecast horizon. Overall, the Bank expects the Canadian economy to grow by 1.2% this year, 0.9% in 2024 and 2.5% in 2025.

In the Bank’s October projection, CPI inflation is expected to average about 3.5% through the middle of next year before gradually easing to 2% in 2025. Inflation is expected to return to the Bank’s target about the same time as policymakers forecast in their July 2023 projection, “but the near-term path is higher because of energy prices and ongoing persistence in core inflation.”

As for what to expect going forward, the Bank had this to say about interest rates: “With clearer signs that monetary policy is moderating spending and relieving price pressures, Governing Council decided to hold the policy rate at 5% and to continue to normalize the Bank’s balance sheet. However, Governing Council is concerned that progress towards price stability is slow and inflationary risks have increased, and is prepared to raise the policy rate further if needed.”

The message is therefore clear: the Bank wants to see downward momentum in core inflation before it changes tack, and continues to be focused on the “balance between demand and supply in the economy, inflation expectations, wage growth and corporate pricing behaviour.”

Once again, the Bank ended its communique with a familiar phrase: it remains “resolute in its commitment to restoring price stability for Canadians.”

What’s next?

The Bank’s final (scheduled) interest rate announcement of 2023 takes place December 6th and we will follow immediately after with our next executive summary.


BoC Holds Canadian Prime at 6.7% on April 12th – Good News!


Today, April 12, 2023, the Bank of Canada held its policy interest rate at 4.50%, a welcome outcome for borrowers after almost a year of constant increases, and a timely confidence-builder for the real estate industry as it enters the spring market.

The Bank also issued its latest Monetary Report with updated risk assessments and base-case projections for inflation.

We highlight the Bank’s latest observations below.

Inflation acts and outlook

  • In Canada, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation eased to 5.2% in February, and the Bank’s preferred measures of core inflation were just under 5%
  • The Bank expects Canadian CPI inflation to “fall quickly” to around 3% in the middle of 2023 and then decline more gradually to the 2% target by the end of 2024
  • Recent data is reinforcing Governing Council’s “confidence” that inflation will continue to decline in the next few months
  • Similarly, in many countries, inflation is easing in the face of lower energy prices, normalizing global supply chains, and tighter monetary policy
  • At the same time, labour markets remain “tight” and measures of core inflation in many advanced economies suggest persistent price pressures, especially for services

Canadian economic performance and outlook

  • Domestic demand is still exceeding supply and the labour market remains tight
  • Economic growth in the first quarter looks to be stronger than was projected in January, on a “bounce” in exports and solid consumption growth
  • While the Bank’s Business Outlook Survey suggests acute labour shortages are starting to ease, wage growth remains elevated relative to productivity growth
  • Strong population gains are adding to labour supply and supporting employment growth while also boosting aggregate consumption
  • Softening foreign demand is expected to restrain exports and business investment
  • Overall, GDP growth is projected to be weak through the remainder of this year before strengthening gradually next year, implying the Canadian economy will move into excess supply in the second half of this year
  • The Bank now projects Canada’s economy will grow by 1.4% this year – an improvement over its last forecast of 1% growth – 1.3% in 2024 (a downgrade from its last forecast of 2% for 2024) and then pick up to 2.5% in 2025

Canadian housing market

  • Housing market activity remains subdued
  • As more households renew their mortgages at higher rates and restrictive monetary policy works its way through the economy more broadly, consumption is expected to moderate this year

Global economic performance and outlook

  • The Bank’s April Monetary Policy Report projects global growth of 2.6% in 2023 – an improvement over its last forecast of 2% offered in January – and then fall to 2.1% in 2024 (lower than it last forecast of 2.5%), and rise to 2.8% in 2025
  • Recent global economic growth has been stronger than anticipated with performance in the United States and Europe surprising on the upside
  • However, growth in those regions is expected to weaken as tighter monetary policy continues to feed through those economies
  • In particular, US growth is expected to “slow considerably” in the coming months, with particular weakness in sectors that are important for Canadian exports
  • Activity in China’s economy has rebounded, particularly in services
  • Overall, commodity prices are close to their January levels


While holding the line on interest rates, the Bank also noted in today’s announcement that it is continuing its policy of quantitative tightening and remains “resolute in its commitment to restoring price stability for Canadians.” There was nothing new in that statement. However, it also posited that getting inflation the rest of the way back to 2% “could prove to be more difficult because inflation expectations are coming down slowly, service price inflation and wage growth remain elevated, and corporate pricing behaviour has yet to normalize.”

As it sets monetary policy going forward, the Bank’s Governing Council indicated that it will be “particularly focused” on these indicators, and the evolution of core inflation as it gauges the progress of returning CPI inflation back to its 2% target.

The Bank also said it continues to assess whether monetary policy is “sufficiently restrictive” to relieve price pressures and “remains prepared to raise the policy rate further if needed” to return inflation to its 2% target.

Next Announcement is …

We will have to wait until April 20th to get the next CPI reading to gauge progress in one of the Bank’s determining indicators and June 7th for the Bank’s next scheduled policy interest rate announcement.

Inflation is slowing and that is great news for Canadian home buyers

Mortgage Mark Herman, Top Calgary Alberta Mortgage Broker