Rates may not go up

Rate hike not guaranteed….Global financial chaos could override domestic factors

Emily Mathieu Business Reporter Toronto Star

Higher than expected rates of inflation and reports of record breaking retail sales means interest rate hikes will likely go ahead, according to a top economist with BMO Capital Markets. But domestic strength might not be enough to justify increases if the upheaval in global markets continues, said Porter. Read More

locking in …

Is It Time to Lock In?

With people banking on the main interest rate going up in June, it seems like a good time to for homeowners to lock in their fixed-rate mortgages.

About 12 percent of mortgage holders with fixed-rate mortgages “locked in,” or switched from variable rate mortgages, in the past year, , according to a report this month by Will Dunning, chief economist at the CAAMP , and another 10 percent had already switched from variable more than a year ago. Read More